Projet 4_1 - PROTOTYPE

9:28 PG 0 Comments A+ a-



Hi, we’re the SHOPON team and we’re working on a website that lets you shopping online. You can find the best quality and beautiful clothing.


This study is to learn about what does and does not work with our current design. Your name will not be published. This study is for a project Human-Computer Interaction course at UTMSpace. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you may stop at any time and request that your data be omitted from the study. We value your time and only ask for about 20 minutes. At the end, we will compensate you with some candy.

We’re testing the interface here; so like I said, let us know if you get stuck or have any feedback regarding the site. We still have some rough edges so we’d like some feedback from you before we move towards the final design.


·         Create account, login account.
·         Search item.
·         Select quantity and add to cart.
·         View the cart and checkout.


College students, thrifty, age 20 – 35.

- see on Project 4_2